With your support we are
Creating the Workforce of Tomorrow
and Raising the Leaders of TodayTM

Our Impact

‘Shaping Minds, Building Lives, Creating Opportunities!’ TM

Learn what students, parents, grandparents, educators, and volunteers SAY about FAMES®.

Ready for lifetime of achievement: Inspired by NASA Astronaut Al Drew’s (Col. USAF, ret.) presentation, the students @BGCGW RE14 said: “…it does not matter where you’re from you can accomplish anything” and “…I want to go to college for being an astronaut.” MORE Follow your dream: Fourth grade students of The Bryn Mawr School for all girls wrote to Astronaut Dr. Sandra H. Magnus after her presentation. “..The most important thing I took away from it was to always follow your dreams and that if there’s something you want to do, just do it.” MORE Creating the workforce of tomorrow and raising the leaders of today. STEM workforce – develop STEM skills for college. Meet our future STEM professionals: “…I like the Lego League because I feel it will further my education. I am very thankful.” “…I want to learn more about Lego robotics and robotics in general.” MORE
Creating the workforce of tomorrow and raising the leaders of today. STEM workforce – pursue STEM education in College. “What does it take to be a successful engineering student? What are the different types of engineering degrees available in college?” These are some of the questions our students are asking, so they can start preparing for college. MORE Creating the workforce of tomorrow and raising the leaders of today. Education, Internship, and Opportunity: The Importance of STEM to Federal Agencies. NASA, DHS. Meet our future engineers: “I like FAMES programs. When I grow up I want to be an engineer and build something for NASA.” Creating the workforce of tomorrow and raising the leaders of today. Education, Employment, and Military Service. USNAVY, USAF. Meet the future cadets. Pursue engineering education, join military academies or ROTC in college.